Friday, February 16, 2007

What I the face of a stranger

I was sitting at a gas station today waiting for my turn at the E85 pump and for some reason I glanced over at a lady sitting in the cab of a truck. She was waiting for the driver to return. For some reason she captivated my attention, and for the first time in a long time I wanted to write poetry. Of course I had to keep repeating the words in my head until I could find a pen and paper to capture my thoughts. The words in bold are what I came up with while I was waiting. The rest were added on before I went to bed:

tired face
sorrowed eyes
lines of time
across saddened cheeks
as you sit and stare
that I see

what would you say
if I came your way
would you accept
a helping hand?

or would you say
oh not today
just go away
i'm fine

i can't help but wonder
if i'm right
and tonight
will be a fight
like every other night
with no end in sight

more lines to form
more tears to fall

as you look out a window
and wish
to escape from it all.


My Name Here said...

Beautiful words. Truly

Liza B said...

thanks Nicole. I appreciate the kind words. I still find it funny how inspiration can strike at such strange times. I love it though. It makes me remember why I love to write.